Fast track delivery
Small enough to care, big enough to handle
Here at Valland we have got a valuable reputation for the supply of valves for shutdowns and other critical events, when reaching the contractual delivery date is extremely important.
Our choice is to not have an internal machining shop, but to outsource all the machining from a network of local sub-suppliers while keeping a minimum stock of raw materials and soft parts. This allows us to provide any time valves according to our client's demand, without deviations to their requirements.
The wide network of sources of raw materials and sub-suppliers for the machining permits us to share our work among many of them and to improve delivery time without any impact on the final quality. In this way we can expand or reduce our production capability according to our current workload, without any impact on our organization.
When needed, we can also count on external qualified personnel for assembly and testing that can join our team at any time.